A fireside whisky with Kinsey…
A double exposed self portrait of Kinsey make for a great conversation. Pull up a chair next to the fire and join Rewa Rendall and Sir Joseph Kinsey as they enjoy a chat about time spent in the darkroom.
Louis Daguerre
I have captured the light and arrested its flight! The sun itself shall draw my pictures!
Henry Fox Talbot
I do not profess to have perfected an Art, but to have commenced one; the limits of which it is not possible at present exactly to ascertain.
Frank Hurley
The floes, like a mighty vice, have crushed her laterally....all the cabins have been closed up as efficiently as a folding Kodak….A conversation with Frank Hurley
Sir Joseph Kinsey
Connoisseur of Art and Adventure his narrative is one that splices together the most heroic of Antarctic exploration
Frank Hurley's blessing
As you grow up you will have to face many problems, follow then the example set by Shackleton’s crew - Frank Hurley
The Violin
The sound of silence, a dance between light and silver. The alchemy of time resonates through the bowing of the strings.