Asked by a group of young teenage parents if I could record their story as a documentary I responded by asking what makes your story unique – after hours of interviews with local young parents in a small rural community I was left with a greater appreciation for parenting and the different paths we all go down to reach the moment where we are holding a child, feeling their heartbeat pulse like a current and seeing our reflection in their tiny eyes.
The participants in the interviews share experiences that most would hope to avoid throughout their lifetime. These young parents have not only overcome adversity to get to where they are now but also have the added responsibility of parenting.
Focusing on one interview from a collection taken over 12 months I invite you to experience the grief first-hand, listen to the unique signature of a heartbeat and understand that life is a gift no matter how .
Andrea shared one hour with her daughter Faith before her lungs collapsed and she stopped breathing.
“It literally does feel like a heartbeat in time, just one perfect moment. ”
Working as a visual artist in Photomedia I felt that in this case it was important to remove all imagery in order to see and experience the complete picture.
Sometimes we look but don’t see. I want the viewer to be able to immerse themselves in Andreas’ words, interpret them as their own and experience the end of a heartbeat.